Friday, August 26, 2011

Letter to management.

I’ve observed a few times now that S. has made a point to highlight the dissolution of the entire team or firing of individuals if we fail to produce good quality work. This needs to stop. It didn’t work with the old team and this team is scarcely two months old and is already showing signs of breaking down. One of the reasons the last team did wind so far off was the building fatalistic attitude that caused a “we’re already dead in the water, why do we care” mentality and the results of that were not pretty.

Threats work when you need oars pulled or rocks smashed. We work at a business. It is a given in the business world that liabilities get cut. Unless this is a done deal and you’re announcing severance, this threat is not what judges get paid to deal with, and it is *exactly* the wrong thing to do to get the results you want. Reminding people on a regular basis that their jobs are at stake is not just hurting their feelings, it is threatening their resources, their money, their food, their house. The same parts of our brain that respond to a bear attack also respond to social danger, including the loss of a job.

When in danger, blood flows away from the cortex, the thinking part of the brain and flows to the amygdala and brain stem, triggering emotional response and automatic functions, respectively. When a person is threatened the “fight or flight” response is activated. Blood flows away from digestive organs and higher brain function to the heart, lungs and limbs, adrenaline is released and the body gets ready for an intensely physical reaction. In the modern business world, this is inappropriate, so people sit there with these stress and anger chemicals running through them, indigestion and they start to take it out on each other. The unconscious part of the brain says “I feel a threat, you’re in the room, you must be it.” This starts the bickering, the refusing to see other perspectives, territorial behavior and attempts at forceful group dominance. This has happened before and it is happening now.

People *cannot* be creative and cooperative the way you need us to be when they are anxious about survival in this context. We are hardwired like this so the species didn’t sit around pondering the nature of the universe when there were wolves at the door. We are a species that prizes immediate self-preservation over Descartes. If you want rational, reasonable people who can cooperate, they need to feel it is safe to be wrong, to listen to what others have to say and to find solutions that solve the problems of judging, not the problems of ego or survival. I cannot do my job well if the people with whom I am supposed to hold intelligent discourse are terrified beyond the capacity for rational thought. The only worse way to “motivate” the team would be to threaten physical harm. People respond to danger with physical action, verbally defending their territory at all costs or by shutting down and backing out. None of these is useful to (the company).

People respond creatively and constructively to confident leadership, confidence in the validity of their contribution to the team and a neutral-to-safe workplace.


Delta Hranek

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